That age will be rich indeed when those relics which we call Classics, and the still older and more than classic but even less known Scriptures of the nations, shall have still further accumulated, when the Vaticans shall be filled with Vedas and Zendavestas and Bibles, with Homers and Dantes and Shakespeares, and all the centuries to come shall have successively deposited their trophies in the forum of the world. By such a pile we may hope to scale heaven at last.

Henry David Thoreau, Walden, “Reading”



The Book of Books

an East-West Wisdom of Thought

A Pilot Project of Cultural Translation
by The Innermost House Foundation
in Cooperation with Dr. James Mathew
and the T.G.M. Rare Book Museum


Our fourth conversation is with Thought. We believe in the ideal of the “American Scholar” in whom a knowledge of books is balanced by experience of nature and practical activity in the world.

Innermost House explores this ideal of whole thought, where Truth, Beauty, and Goodness come together in one Unity of conversation. We believe in the ideals of the mind, the whole mind, the mind made whole with the entirety of life. We seek the living forms of a higher learning in the deepest foundations of experience.


Read not the Times. Read the Eternities. Knowledge does not come to us by details, but in flashes of light from heaven.
Henry David Thoreau, Life Without Principle

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But we must not follow those who advise us, being men, to think of human things, and, being mortal, of mortal things, but must, so far as we can, make ourselves immortal, and strain every nerve to live in accordance with the best thing in us; for even if it be small in bulk, much more does it in power and worth surpass everything.
                              Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics

We are dedicated to thinking ideas back to their origins in the elemental forms of thought. We invite thinkers and practitioners of the classical liberal and aesthetical arts to join with us in a worldwide circle of shared conversation, seeking the meaning of our self-evident truths in the abiding ideals of the mind. Our purpose is to regain to the individual an original and universal relation to knowledge.

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