A Pilot Building/Craft Program of The Innermost House Foundation
In the Historic Triangle of Tidewater Virginia

Program Description: 

The Virginia House Project is a pilot craft and building program of the Innermost House Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit educational organization based in California and Virginia. The Project exists to bring the material culture of an American Wisdom Tradition into focus, through which to illuminate the great craft traditions of the larger world. It focuses on the Historic Triangle and early Virginia as a crossroads of East and West, North and South, Old and New. It develops in three distinct stages, each one an exercise in material re-collection: the Framing Stage, in which we seek to regain an original relation to structure; the Fire Stage, which strives to rekindle an original relation to aliveness in the built environment; and the Finishing Stage, through which we seek that fully developed condition of inwardness sought by sages in all places and times. Thus do we seek to reclaim the roots of an American Wisdom in the craft cultures of Native America, Europe, Asia, the Middle East and Africa. Our work comprehends nature, art, thought, and spirituality as humanistic disciplines of the individual person, drawing upon local and national resources for class instruction, team-teaching, and off-site learning. Like its ancient forebear at Oxford University, Literae Humaniores, the American Wisdom Project is a laboratory for the cultivation of a "more humane learning."  
experimental archeology of the soul
Outpost research station
combining craft and nature: cons easement, scenic river, pochanantas land, black/white, grays creek preserve,

Project Stage One: Fall 2021
The Frame of Civilization
[The Laws]

Introduction to The American Wisdom Tradition, Part I: The Virginia House Frame and the 18th Century

Is there a compelling tradition of wisdom in American life? The world looks to the example of America for many things—for independence, for ideals of freedom and equality, for industry, wealth, and opportunity—but seldom for wisdom! Yet through the length of American history runs a current of “plain living and high thinking” that draws upon the world’s many wisdom traditions, at last to reflect that ancient light back to the world as something radically new. In this Part I, we examine the revolutionary wisdom of the 18th century American Enlightenment by focusing on Thomas Jefferson and Williamsburg, Virginia.

Reaching back to premodern frame and forward to mere skin

Project Stage Two: Spring 2022 (or fall 2022)
The Origin of Fire
[The Spirit/Prophets]

Introduction to The American Wisdom Tradition, Part II: The Walden House and the 19th Century

Is there a compelling tradition of wisdom in American life? What began as an experiment in political wisdom, public life, and citizenship-by-conversation centered in Virginia in the 18th century, in the 19th century migrated north to an intellectual center in Massachusetts. There the radical propositions of the Declaration of Independence and the compromise solutions of the Constitution were individuated and put to the test of individual conscience. In this Part II, we examine the transcendental wisdom of the 19th century American Renaissance by focusing on Ralph Waldo Emerson and Concord, Massachusetts.

reaching back further to origins of human culture

Project Stage Three: Fall 2021 (or fall 2023)
The World Within
[The Baptist] ]

Introduction to The American Wisdom Tradition, Part III: The West and the 20th Century

Is there a compelling tradition of wisdom in American life? The prophetic call to inwardness and conscience that emanated from Walden in the 19th would echo at last off the final frontier of the Far West in California. There the wisdom tradition that had its origins in the encounter between Old World civilization and New World Native cultures would go to earth in a new epoch of repentance and the ideal of wilderness. In this Part III, we examine the environmental wisdom of the early 20th century American West by focusing on John Muir and Yosemite Valley in California.

reaching back so far that back in time becomes out of time: the world wholly within

Our simple message: "Remember Me" [but forget my fate] = therefore: virginia frame, old jamestown, black/white/indian, fire culture, all human history

not for us to say what means, only to remember

full color world, life on earth, inner space,

communal self reliance

simplicity, self rel, small, solitude, society, spirituality

The main enterprise of the world for splendor, for extent, is the upbuilding of a man. Here are the materials strewn along the ground. The private life of one man shall be a more illustrious monarchy, more formidable to its enemy, more sweet and serene in its influence to its friend, than any kingdom in history. For a man, rightly viewed, comprehendeth the particular natures of all men.
Am Scholar
The pine and the oak will gladly descend...
Domestic Life
And suddenly you know: It is time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings.
Meister Eckhart
There are moments when we all, in one way or another, have to go to a place that we have never seen, and do what we have never done before.
Karen Armstrong, A Short History of Myth
You must change your life

The Innermost House Foundation:
The American Wisdom Tradition
of Plain Living and High Thinking in America

Williamsburg (18th c) IH East/VA House
Walden (19th c) Thoreau Cabin
West: (20th c) IH West/CA House

"ThAmerican Wisdom Project" (Liberal Education)
"The Conversation Circle" (Liberal Education)

"The Classick Pages Project" (Self-Education)

"The Gray's Creek Preserve" (Nature Conservation)

"Lightwood Forest, a Nature Preserve" (" ")

"The Virginia House Project" (Architectural Preservation)

"A/The Memory House Project" (Cultural Remembering)

AN AUTUMN PROJECT: a message to sensitive youth of
Remembering human nature

BEAUTIFUL passingness (mono no aware)

Media: "how to make humanity (human nature) beautiful to you"

Japanese aesthetics: wabi sabi yugen iki kire
Tea/Zen aesthetics

Shadows on old walls
Dry leaves on green grass
Minor key eg Satie

Chi/Jap scrolls/tea flowers/

Woodland shafted light
A diminished thing


The Giver/Receiver of Memory (vs the Sameness)

Channeling Dad and Mom


Golden Age Movies/Detective/Childrens/Deco/RockCenter/

Great Pumpkin/Forever Autumn/College Avenue
Sleepy Hollow/Meet in St. Louis/Babettes Feast

Golden Age Revival: Tweed/M Mag/Polo/Martha Stewart 1980s

Arcadia: idealism x nostalgia
Tennyson's Ulysses: We are not still....







Five Year Project based in Williamsburg

In-Kind Contributors: Everything Possible (memorialized)

Founding Patrons/Sponsors/"Sustaining Patrons" (5-year annual subscription, possibly organized by house element), (memorialized)

Proximity Principle Associations: Wg, Hist Triangle, Chesapeake, VA, American History

Surry Co/VA Resource Protection Area (RPA) requires 100 horizontal feet from RPA for buildings.

The main enterprise of the world for splendor, for extent, is the upbuilding of a man. Here are the materials strewn along the ground. The private life of one man shall be a more illustrious monarchy, more formidable to its enemy, more sweet and serene in its influence to its friend, than any kingdom in history. For a man, rightly viewed, comprehendeth the particular natures of all men.
Am Scholar

The pine and the oak will gladly descend...

Domestic Life

And suddenly you know: It is time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings.
Meister Eckhart

There are moments when we all, in one way or another, have to go to a place that we have never seen, and do what we have never done before.
Karen Armstrong, A Short History of Myth

...You must change your life


angle of repose (jeff)

prospect refuge (melinda)

replacement (ed pease)

memory house (david stemann)

experimental archeology (jeff klee)

the "inner scaffolding"(?) (sean--publicity)

groundtruthing (marianne)

squaring the circle (db: revelation to paradise)

thin places (melinda)

seed of home

plain living etc

american wisdom trad

Center of gravity (shi)

North star (sean)
Main and Main (sean)

Place search as "indigenizing" (glenn)

Proximity Principle

600 "it takes 600 years to make an english...
Eliade terms eg axis mundi, hierophany etcswaddling consciousness (infant material mysticism)Reciprocal relationshipCarpe Deimtriple bottom line (social, economic, environmental)

THREE STAGE HEROS JOURNEY of 3 Years, 3 Months, 3 Days

Frame: Call to adv, knight/shi, prim hut, archetype, universal world, orig of good

Fire/Finish: Road of trials, gent/junzi, fire culture, particular, good & evil

Furnish: Innermost Cave, sage/shengren, inner ocean, universal soul, orig of good regained

+ the Return (balance of 5 years)???

[hero's journey+ wise/wild women]

The Great Questions of 1619: What if then? Why not now??? (kristen wyman)

Model all on MAL stars: all "in secret", arrow of Beauty fired into winter night sky
Remain entirely underneath and concealed while LAUNCHING holy spirit/trans/Beauty toward world
Arrow= Beauty, artwork, poetry, photog, "beautiful picture", memory
underneath=cave, IH, IR, past, fire culture,

JEFF 6.19.21:

Frame representing the STRUCTURAL GENTLEMAN: the PREMORAL original of good


The WHOLE regnant wholeness and nothing but wholeness

Wood in the woods


Sharing the VISION between a dream and reality
A powerful series of STORIES

how to maintain ethos of gent THROUGH TIME/CHALLENGE

Represents the path were on: time, patience, doing the right things, importance of being earnest

Every spirit builds itself a house

The ONLY thing

Walk through home and TOUCH the wood, THINK about the wood, TALK about the wood: the GIVING TREE

The GHOST HOUSE: the deer in that beautiful place lay down their bones...

Noh Play House

Uncertainty of realization Beautiful incompleteness

More people to see and participate the longer we prolong the framing stage: then they are PARTICIPATING

Prolonging the golden BEGINNING

"Time to trust in the magic of beginnings"

Firepit in remote view of glowing ghost house



Pure MEMORY HOUSE: all knowledge is remembering,

archetypes are remembering, history is remembering, dreams/memories/reflections, soul-archeology are remembering, PRIMITIVE HUT

IH, Conv, Gent etc: not reducible to bullet points, but cumulative, evolving, various, living

Necessity of starting absolutely FRESH

We are FORCED to do this, ONLY

The CELESTIAL SPARK glowing in the woods: the gamete in the woods

Talk about the PROBLEMS outright

In relation to climate change: exemplify resource usage. pioneers HAD to be. We NEED to be. Local, heat and light, outhouse, water, etc. INTELLIGENT USE OF RESOURCES, harmony, toward the indian, no one is wise enough to know the right way w/o necessity

he who will not answer to the rudder must answer to the rock

nikita: walden, tolstoy, IH: archaica

go to the deep woods, but take the technology of communication (cameras, computers, etc)

diversity to overcome bias

MAL the binding force between individuals, neces to MEET first, only MAL has met all,

ML brings trust/vulnerability/depth OUT OF PEOPLE, but can they connect that way to each other?

ML does have THE LENS: to focus others apart and together.

Need to accept some dilution if to EVOLVE

[The Way: "when I say gent, what does that mean to you? Anything?" code of conduct, morality, how to interact respectfully, how raise children, politeness (esp to women), empathy, a way of advising, modesty--but seldom "style"

Then why not super popular? And why people/women so attracted to opposite?--maybe old associations, waspy, elite, greed, power, privilege,

Casualness everywhere, gent too formal

The problem is not the true gent but the LAST gent: unnec (mod) privilege, superficiality, wealth etc

THEREFORE: solution of CRITICAL UNMASSING the gent: the hero, adam/eve: pure structure, no wealth/privilege but purity itself

only THEN build up by slow degrees to show that layers of civ inevitably = the gent-sage

Let people be surprised by coming to that conclusion themselves socratically:

first build up characteristics, layer upon layer, and pause to try to describe/label each layer

Concluding in the gent, and finally the critically unmassed gent-sage

father vs mother culture:


Even five years not a waste

In person no loss

On internet not as good

pics of trails, indian, woods,

build tea porch for intimate conversations

Garland:cover at cw for 3 months? Porch? Flooring? doors/windows? have to build partition walls? Add later? Oil to preserve wood? Material sources for all?

Jeff: frame plans?


Results of Cliff meeting:

1. Ok with frame only as journey vs destination

2. Ok with no easement w/o gene, so must proceed as lightwood only

3. Only reservation protection against changing guard at IHF

4. Thomas excited about phil, psych, conv, blog


·       Protect our intellectual property/name/etc if we leave

·       They pay for improvements at reasonable amount

·       Blogs belong to IHF

·       Staged approach to building (use)

·       Survey boundaries or simple measurement required? (appr. 10 acres)

Spar varnish/tung oil, matte/satin?

Varnish manufacturer says decay rot would be minimal for one year, then could be sealed.

In Wg/Surry sat 8.7 - sun 8.8


Glad to get something done! Paid for! Published!


Everyone remembers their home

Home is a memory to everyone

Home is ONLY a memory

"A Deeper Home" project

Memory/Spirit/Inspirit/Inspiration/ House

House in forest distance [from firepit]: long way home, lost in a dark wood, memory/vision: all in distance: distance as such

Name: Inner ---------- House ?

Memory House, Virginia House, House of Memory, A Deeper Home,


most urgent: design (jeff+ed+engineer)

Keep covered at CW??

Porch: yes


Partition walls: later

Ted: probably

or NOT put window and framing

Oil to preserve? even w/o covering??? Or tar???


sense of loss: lack of commitment to woods

but also positive accomplishment

agree to do arch drawings, seek help if neces


By end of first week sept

posts positioned

walk access cleared/ruts filled

firepit sited (first stop on trail)

pier contractor agreement


Goals: acreage boundaries, trails, fire ring, cabin site, access, appr acreage, gps coords corners,

Allen ML Ed David Jeff Garland John

August 6-7 arrive friday pm, leave monday am

November 13, 14

"permission not to be unreasonably withheld"


panhandle: homeless man living for years

nyc homeless man, red slippers w/o heels

go to extreme extreme

utterly transcendental

the frame is a camera

"in love with it"

acid bath


How to re-FRAME our media approach

klee: commitment loss; how to addrss

potential of seeing many examples through the frame

saying at the outset: seeing through it to many other egs,

and to your own IH,

but then knowing to build out over 3 years

then just before finished: another potential frame established elsewhere, dispersed over place and time

so loss and longing etc becomes part of cycle of ih existence: hero journey as whole, abyss as part

novice years, frame=novitiate, vows, withdraw permanently

an evolving monastery over place and time

minimum viable audience: even one person

gent sage as older type: made to heal the separating out of mind from body

shinto/indian as even older: mind enclosed by bodiliness: thus reflected in how exper world: as "high thinking" is entirely enclosed by plain/natural/horizontal living in indig, as it is at IH plht, in betw the two they are separate, and ht ever higher. the hero's journey unites the two again and then returns to the world to renew unity.

We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time:

IE: ih as paradise (indiginous place culture) regained: identical confirmation as beginning but at end

Melinda remembered how consciousness changed in woods: animals plants talking

SEAN 6.24

most important just to get going ala lost kitchen

ideal opp to renew/retell story:

where we have been, what doing

going back to beginning of beginning

trying to get all way back

some people over with covid, but more thoughtful want to preserve pandemic clarity (hanging concentrates the mind)

Use pandemic as KEY CRISIS OCCASION for IHF

pandemic CHANGED OUR COURSE from x to y; hut to skeleton

IHF all response to crisis, first personal/cultural, then real estate collapse, then pandemic/blm crisis

To IHF INSIDERS, ml's ability to connect dots philo/poetically/culturally

To IH FOLLOWERS, our personal STORY/their story

Followers are looking for DARK KNIGHT story, simpler more dramatic: what makes more REAL and TIMELY

How to REOPEN ih with post pandemic insights

REOPEN with ACTION not theory

Get them immersed, plans, land, blog, podcast,etc--then ask / calls to action

Tell the story WHILE we're doing the work

Reactivate FB/blog etc NOW while visible REASON why now

Go back in history: ours, amer, world, prim, HOME

What anchor from: SEED of HOME (prim hut) inner and outer

Grass roots people (and others too)

NOW: coming out of pandemic, tiny house,

main and main, first and main, true north, seed, cardinal directions, foundations, craft, timber frame,

center can hold, hand tools, woods, fire/frame/forest

how is shelter created?

orig ih plans: frame + canvas walls; rest only for books

Use LOST KITCHEN start as eg

magic of beginnings

Minimum Medium: less is more: not need professionalize, facebook/instagram: pics, drawings, history, (but good enough for later book reproduction), APPLE BOOK to include frame now and full IH then, is video necessary???

REBRAND IH from complete house to forest/frame/fire (primitive hut frontispiece) as something simple, univ, cheap, accessible, full infrastructure borrowed landscape, no zoning, ORIGINAL ih


Prim Hut: beginnings

Use as transparent lens rather than opaque art object:

f64 to throw remote beginnings into radical focus


complex ideas req complex narrative (or poetic???)

reqs philo/poetical imag to und explanation, but exper alone may be enough
How to shortcut explanation: GO THERE, to go to ground:


but how if cannot GO there?

By enabling to build in MANY "wheres": each interested community/circle its own ground, frame, fire

IHF to steward/aid/design etc

in coop with craft schools, timber frame guild etc
ea frame a literal community "barn raising" for individual "self reliance": american plain living

Tiny but globally expansive

Esp in representative different regions and changing conversations

eg "Leopold Bench"

THIS may be way to clarify and make plain mission of IHF

not by STATING mission, but by SHOWING it

IH Foundation conceived aloft from actual IH ground: need to be ground truthed to be GRASS ROOTED

research ways physical comportment influences thought

timber frame much cheaper and more accessible and less demanding for national promotion:

ideal way to introduce IH conv culture to communities:

timber frame as way of bringing friends and communities together for shared exper and conv.

essence of prim hut: posts and a roof


place-cltr was IH answer to Mass I industrial,consumer destru of plain living in Place; but ALSO answer to Mass II ideological/consumer destr of Thought/Paideia (ala mike frederick)

Critical Lack-of-Mass: Mass=sustainable explosion Mass

Therefore: to reach critical LACK of mass, must make Mass explosion UNsustainable, must get far enough down from Mass to break chain reaction

A ritual "as-if" vessel for "sincerity" conversations: e x w

The ritual frame and structure as reproducible "cue" for sincerity conversations

Frame as such realizes DBs white room: presence as absence, pre-individuality

Built out cabin realized MLs culture room: presence as innerness, trans individuality realized

CHRIS 6.27

Dates: 11.6, 11.13 no; 10. 23, 10.30 yes

Camp Lee in Adirondacks

Washington Island summer or winter?

How is Joyce?

Congrats winiarskis: lessons for us

We considering sharp right return, in part post pandem:

No pandemic, built a year ago

But pandemi, like Samual Johnson: Depend upon it, sir, when a man knows he is to be hanged in a fortnight, it concentrates his mind wonderfully.'

So let me say first what we are considering: building timber frame only, at least at this stage

Ie: separating off first 25% of project and treating it as end in itself

Jeff Klee: Primitive hutting IH: posts and a roof

Marianne: Ground-truthing IH: proving it in field

Sean: Dark nighting IH: engaging people in the story from new beginning

Melinda: Universalizing IH: reducing to limitless reproducibility

THE CLEARING in Door County

executive council for foreign diplomacy meetings in the woods 2-day on river, overnight New River Gorge ending at Greenbrier

Executive Seminars at SJ: 9-10 books over 9-10 months execs, now more democratic, monetary,

"Wye" river in maryland -- aspen institute, peace talks

individual tutors likely to be receptive to giving IH seminars

MARK 6.27

Dumbfounded but intrigued by frame idea

Cannot picture or imagine

But reminds of Interlochen arts center in mi

Use for live music in woods???

Create Clint as "Director Emeritus," kim/kellie to represent his "voice" to cross finish line: conversation


echo of echo

Is the sense of solitude/enclosure/protectedness/density/quiet/solidity lost???

menokin reads: temporary/exposed

very important that people participate in making the enclosure: even operating the canvas, prepping tea, etc. Have to ritually engage in preparation, your making of it helps create it as a shelter

participation itself as solidity

have to liberate ourselves from the past IH experience, honor the essence if not the fact

photos so compelling of shadowy enclosure; the mysterious depths, out of this world and the woods

seasonal "breathing" of house: summer open, winter closed

may require a temporary letting go to allow much wider, broader liberation


how are both? how children? how has life in the wine country changed?

Kellie at same work. how life at restaurants changed?

Kim at Martinelli RE

Clint oct 2018----2 1/2 years ago.

Choice to make: wait for full house, or build and stop with frame.

What would Clint want us to do?

What exactly did he value in all this?

Confess he always believed in IH/conv/whatever more than I. Not because I did not believe in it,

but he believed it could be shared. To a very great extent, we went on because of Clint.

Now I need to know from those who knew him best what he would want us to do.


Need to discuss new plans: teaching instrument, not living place

Initial stage: frame, perhaps build later, garland deadline

KENT 6.29.21

Best: expandable, shareable, permitable, AS A JOURNEY

Spreading the word, able to describe because shared along the way

3 years process ideal

during which get others elsewhere going, even visit them

andrew morrison on thb: straw bales over frame, therefore: open to all forms of finishing, southwest

of thb community: 60% wheels, 40% permanent (esp single women and retired), permitting still hard

maybe 10-20% of thb community would be interested in our frame/stage approach

But how to communicate the POWERFUL INNERNESS

"" alternative to fb

Pat Flynn: "1000 Raving Fans" patif you have a 1000 people really behind you, you win

SET UP EMAIL LIST for regular emails

60 inner circle, 1000 next circle

quote and pic each week, shorter the better, blog + identical on email

service allowing for easy subscribing or unsubscribe

MIGUEL 7.7.21

Three reasons to reframe our critical path:

1. Practical Hay while sun shines:

a. Garland and frame building

b. Cliff and land opportunity (son, land value, etc)

c. Easier to raise funds to finish: no longer abstract

2. Chance to dwell on beginnings and structures:

of building, prim hut, culture,
structure vs morality (good as wholeness in paradise): transcendentalism

3. Chance to connect through (hero's) journey:

overcome past impos of translation by involving at stages

"The Call to Adventure" as call to action

essential first stage: Build your own world"

Problem of preserving frame: help from nbss?

Brian Weldy NBSS graduate/instr now at CW joiner shop supervisor

Grays Creek


2020: 100th of General Honors at Columbia


Surry afamerican historical society

How to name our “2026 Project”?
John Muir’s language: “womb of the glacier” spring, wellspring, head of a river. GROUNDTRUTHING

IHF AS MEMORY HOUSE: of Fire Culture

What the Future Learned from the Whole Past of the American Wisdom Tradition

IH as a summary of the highest and deepest and wisest and best of the AWT: the black house ala the Kennedy White House

Receiver of Memory: DB/IH → wg → awt → plht → eurasia wt → me wt → afro/amerind → paradise → alphaomega: FIRE CULTURE

ie fr more knowable to less knowable, material to abstract:

db → american cltr 1776-1916 → eurasian cltr → afro-indig cltr → genesis

Fundraising: old va families

local utilities

osher contacts


What is that new conception? Memory House. Virtual learning. Borrowed landscapes. 2026 horizon. virtual national park



CW: trades, arch, gent town, founders, house, hotel, conf center/speaking, pubs, dewitt, first baptist church, basset woods

Hay House: gent room, conv, photos, meetings

W&M: professors, osher, venues, campus, student volunteers, lake matoaka, college woods
Waller Mill Pond

Parkway: NPS, drive

First Baptist

Let Freedom Ring

Jamestown: museum, talks, indian, fort, ships, church, drive

Yorktown: museum, talks, battlefields, drive

James River Assoc

NPS: colonial parkway, Capt John Smith Chesapeake National Historical Trail, Colonial National Historical Park

Gloucester: Werewocomoco

Surry: IH site b&b, woods/trails, firepit, grays creek scenic river, boating, marina, smith fort

IMPORTANT: Forest metaphor ala wine metaphor